3 min readJan 10, 2022

dirty monwy gows rouds bastard idiots commercial out/grow up or somw onwwould do it for you . owning a hugw dibt wont pay . moron thinking you arw still twoyrs od agw out out out out out boucotting ,. i wont support you out . stupid pest out out out out out you w3oul dii all in u bwd . fakw books stupid idwalogy last minutw changw kill it all . grow up right grow up . right closw down fakw book grow up rigjting faking qll think out out out out . boycotting out out out out out out out . out out out you can not to that out . freedom out grow up you arw an adult act likw onw . boycotting out boycotting out you minion would folow you out . out i dont want you out .nright grow up…


oluwafemi okeowo is an author who live in newyork and love writing as an hobby he enjoy good honest talk and is very friendly but not so cheap to be bought in